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Friday, March 28, 2008

My 1st Giveaway!

I can hardly believe it is almost time for my 100th post! In honor of my 100th post I am giving away a package of goodies with a "100" theme! Here it is:

The winner will receive Rick Warren's best selling book "The Purpose Driven Life" (I know that should be underlined but I can't figure that out!), Tazo Green Tea, Keith Urban's Greatest Hits CD, Burt's Bees Peppermint Shower Soap, Method Cucumber scented All Purpose cleaner, and a $20 Target gift card!

So how is this "100" themed, you ask? There are 40 chapters in the book, 20 bags of tea, 18 songs on the CD, $20 on the gift card, + 2 single items = 100! Plus these are all things that I enjoy. Wait until you smell the Burt's Bees Soap. If you are near a Target, go smell one right now, I'll wait... And the Method cleaner is non-toxic so I don't feel bad using it when my children are in the room. I hope you like it as much as I do.

Now for the important part, how can you win this? Simply leave me a comment and let me know what your favorite item in the giveaway is. You'll get all of them anyway. I just want to know for the future. I will give you a second entry if you post about it on your blog with a link to this post. This contest will end on April 11th. I hope to have my 100th post up around that date and I will announce the winner on my 100th post. If you do not have a blog make sure you leave me an email address so I can contact you. The winner will be drawn out of a hat by one of my children. Good luck everyone!


HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love Keith Urban. That would probably be my favorite item. :)

Anonymous said...

How fun! I don't know much about Keith other than Nicole. :) I think my fav would be the Burt's Bees soap! janet

CR said...

I have the cucumber melon cleaner at home and love it and the "Purpose Driven Life" (also love it), I don't listen to much country but Keith is very nice on the eyes hmmm...actually I love all the items a lot, it's like you picked it out just for me. but if I have to choose it would be between the lovely soap, gift card, or yummy tea.

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

See.. if I had the soap.. I'd smell divine, like mommy and candy mixed together. Kids love that, then perhaps they'd stay kids a little longer!

Cute idea!


Oh.. and I love Keith!

Jen said...

WOW, aren't you just the sweetest? I love Target! Anyways, I stopped by here because my brain is half dead trying to get things done for vacation and I can't remember if I've already got your blogger/google sign in or gmail address so I can add you to my reader's list once I become private. If I have, you can slap me as my head's not on straight. I'd LOVE LOVE for you to keep reading as I truly love your blog and will continue to read it. If you could just email me at

and let me know your blogger/google login that you use to sign into blogger or a gmail address, that would be wonderful!

I'm sorry I've been horrible lately at reading all my blogging buddie's blogs, including yours. It's not because I don't want to, I've just run out of time and we're leaving on vacation soon, plus I have 2 sick kids.

Sorry for the novel!
Hope to hear from you soon!


P.S. I was just going to email you, but didn't see an email in your profile! Talk to you soon!

Jthemilker said...

I'm going to have to say the CD is my top choice, although I LOVE Tazo tea AND the peppermint shower soap would so totally match what's in my shower already! Who couldn't use a Target gift-card and that book is Oh-so-good!
Congrats on the 100th theme... now over to my blog to put in a plug for you! Pick me won't you!!!

Marilyn B said...

Congrats on your 100th post! I don't know if I can pick a favorite since I love everything but I do have to say Burts Bee stuff and Keith Urban are AWESOME!

Thank you!

Ginny said...

Chandra, congrats on the 100 how cool!!! Well I have to be honest the $20 Target is my favorite! Would come in handy for a couple spring tops for my girly girls, lol. I love anything cucumber though & I love burts bees.

Karin said...

Congrats on the 100th post! I guess the Target gift card would be my favorite with the soap coming in a close second! Have always wanted to read "The Purpose Driven Life" though!

karin56381 (at) gmail (dot) com

Daniela6968 said...

I would have to say Target is my favorite. What a cool contest. Congrats on reaching 100!

Anonymous said...

First I would go to Target and buy a big fluffy bath towel,come home and clean my tub with Method,then fill the tub with just right bath water. I would put Keith on the Cd player,make tea and slip into my warm bath, lather up with my Burts Bee Peppermint soap while reading "The Purpose Driven Life". What a lovely treat that would be.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to leave my email for the last blog about the bath. or browneyed Thanks Nancy

Dallas Meow said...

I'm not entering, just saying
slave to target
That's me.
My fave would be the gift card.
Anything that prevents me from turning my check right over to them like I seem to do.
It's just that I discoverd they have a scrapbooking aisle now.
Not too big - but they have stuff on clearance every two or three weeks!
As a beginner with 18 years of photos to catch up on - - -

Pdyrholm said...
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United Studies said...

Sorry for the deleted post...I accidentally left a comment under my husbands login.

I love the idea how you came up with the theme of "100"...very creative.

My favorite item would be the Burts Bees because I love lip balms.

Thanks for such a great giveaway!

Dianna said...

Oh, peppermint soap! I didn't know that existed. I'm going to be dreaming about it now . . . can you guess what my favorite is?

Jen said...

Oh, I'm glad I'm not the only one that has a kid that piles toys on their younger sibling! Thanks for stopping by!!! You know it's crazy, but we're gonna have our 100th post around the same time! I'll be doing my 100 things about me when I get back!

Mandy said...

The book, The Purpose Driven Life. I've always wanted to read that and never go around to it.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say the Tazo and Keith. What better way to relax thena with a cup of hot tea, and Hot, Sexy, Austrailian man sing to you. All the itmes are great, however these are my two favorites.

Congratulations on your 100th.


Dee said...

What a great idea. I have never tried any of those items, well I have used a target gift card so I guess that is my favorite item.

bp said...

You are so creative with the 100 theme! I enjoyed reading the Purpose Driven Life. My favorite would be the Target gift card.

AFRo said...

Congrats on the 100th! When are you drawing?

I love the Purpose Driven Life, but don't have my very own copy. *wink*wink*wink*

Melanie said...

My favorite item would be the Keith Urban CD.
Great contest and congrats on your 100th post!!
Livin' With Me

jubilee said...

What a neat idea in looking forward to your 100th post!
I guess I'd have to say that that the book is my favorite item, but I am eager to try the Method cleaner.
(Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting last week.)

Anonymous said...

I came to you thru Eagle's Rest - I'm trying very hard to "go green" so I would like the Method cleaner the most.

Anonymous said...

I am going for the $20.00 Target Card....see I am addicted to Target and this will help fund my absurd fetish with all things in red circles!

Bob Cleveland said...

Oh, the Method Cucumber scented All Purpose cleaner. I like the taste....

Erin K. said...
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Erin K. said...

The Target gift card for sure!! I love shopping there! :-)

TiggerRD said...

All the items are great! My favorite is the Target gift card! Congratulations on your upcoming 100th post!

Henry said...

i love any thing from burts bees! and congrats to you!